Thursday 8 January 2015


I say.... in the hurry by Syed Akbar Ali (aka Outsyed the Box) to slam PM Najib, Syed may have gotten himself into trouble.

A youth group today lodged a police report against Malaysiakini and blogger Syed Akbar Ali for a picture it published featuring rice bags for flood victims with pictures of PM Najib. The group, Briged Kesatria Muda Malaysia, said the picture was "manipulated" to make it seem that stickers with Najib and Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob's faces were pasted on the rice bags.

However, the person in the photograph has denied this and says the images were photoshopped. ( )

The picture was first published by pro-Umno blogger Syed Akbar on his blog Out Syed the Box, and reproduced by Malaysiakini after the portal sought confirmation and comment from Ismail Sabri. Syed Akbar had used the picture in a blog post questioning the government’s handling of the floods. Syed Akbar has since removed the blog post earlier but a cached version is still available.

It seems to be Syed Akbar's habit recently to quickly publish baseless evidence and then remove them - once was the 1MDB article a month back and now this. Steady lah, my ex-favorite blogger Syed... you wanna whack Najib but do it fairly and don't rely on RBA-style dirty tricks and slander, okay? Boleh, tak?

Nanti your name and IC number gets listed in the MCMC list for questioning together with all the other shameless RBAs then very malu!

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