Sunday 5 October 2014

Rafizi Tipu Lagi.

Unlike zombies such as Rafizi and his followers, we live in the real world.
Rafizi said that reducing petrol price would reduce price of goods and services. Sounds good in theory but it never happens. For example, in 2008 when petrol price increase from RM1.90 to Rm2.70, prices of goods and services went up. But later part of the year, when petrol price decrease from RM2.70 to RM1.75 (even lower than before), none of the goods and services were reduced in price.
In Venezuela, the price of petrol is about RM0.10 per litre and I dunno how much lower it can go but inflation there this year is 64% - so how to explain this, Lapiji?
Remember that inflation and cost of living is ALWAYS a function of demand and supply and demand always increases when there is good economic growth.
As long as demand is greater than supply, traders see no reason to reduce prices and may even increase it.

Now that RON95 petrol price is RM2.30 and diesel price is RM2.20 per litre. and the actual unsubsidized price s RM2.58 per litre while diesel is RM2.52 per litre, that means only 28sen and 32sen more to cut and Malaysia will be free of petrol and diesel subsidy and we can finally follow market prices like the rest of the world.
We already cut 40sen, so what is another 28sen?
All govt have to do is to wait for world oil price to drop until it reaches only 20sen to subsidize and then cut another 20sen.
Or, wait for world oil price to drop even further (if it does) and cover the 28sen subsidy and without making any price increases,govt just announce that from today onwards, Fuel prices will be based on world oil prices.
Habis cerita.
And most importantly, Malaysia will finally be free of all those whining from the zombies and their political leaders spins regarding petrol price.

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