Sunday 10 March 2019

Anwar Jangan Lari Sila Duduk Dan Jawab Tuduhan Ini.

Found some interesting fact about Anwar's assets.

Been reading here,

Anwar should answer Din's question.. Who's telling the lies? It's his wife? The kipas lady? It's PKR? Which party put the drama gadai-gadai rumah to get all the PRU campaign funds'? Not enough hancing iz it? We are doomed. This country will be running by another hancing Prime Minister In Waiting. Ohh wait, did i just mention, in waiting? 

We don't forget.

We don't hancing too.

Thus, we don't believe.

Before joining PKR many people believed Anwar is sincere with his princip.

Anwar to be said like a hero for poor people.

Many people thought Anwar will do anything to help the rakyat. However day by day, the true color of Anwar is surfaced.

He cannot lie anymore. Upss. He still can lie as his wish. But people won't be attracted to that lies anymore.

Only hancings and zombies still believe his words and actions. Hancing will be hancing. No wonder.

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